How Well are You Managing God’s Gifts?

Episode Description:

Do you see everything you own as yours, or do you consider it all a gift from God? In truth, everything we have, including our possessions, our time, and our mind, comes from God. And one day, we’ll be held accountable for how well we took care of these things. When that day comes, will you hear the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant”? If not, listen in and discover how you can better manage all that God has blessed you with.

Scriptures referenced: 

Psalms 89:11

Deuteronomy 8:17-18

Luke 12:15, 21

I John 3:16-18

Ephesians 5:15-16

Psalms 90:12

Luke 5:16

Philippians 4:8

James 1:14-15

 II Corinthians 10:5


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