3 Essential Ingredients for Clearing the Physical Clutter

Episode Description:

Is it hard for you to part with your belongings? You're not alone! Many people find it difficult to decide whether to keep or let go of their stuff. However, embracing the abundant life that Jesus offers requires freeing ourselves from the burden of material possessions—be it clothes, toys, or knick-knacks—that clutter our homes, lives, and hearts. If you yearn to declutter but feel hesitant, join us as we explore the three vital ingredients needed to clear physical clutter from your life, and find the motivation and encouragement you need to let go once and for all.

Scriptures referenced: 

Matthew 6:19

Proverbs 15:16

Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6

Exodus 16

Episode Resources:

Uncluttered July blog “Learning to Let Go”

Other episodes mentioned in this podcast episode: 

Season 1 Episode 3 Dirty Words of Organizing


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