Do You Suffer from CHAOS?

Episode Description:

You’re probably familiar with the acronyms RSVP, ASAP, and TBA. But do you know what CHAOS stands for? 

In this episode of the Uncluttered podcast, Liana and Angie talk about CHAOS, or “Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome,” a common consequence of clutter and disorganization. If we don’t feel comfortable inviting guests into our homes, not only do our relationships suffer, but we can’t heed the biblical command to embrace hospitality as well. Listen in as they share tips for conquering the CHAOS and how you can swing open the front door to people without embarrassment or shame.

Scriptures referenced: 

Romans 12:13

1 Peter 4:9

Hebrews 13:2

Genesis 18: 1-15

Episode Resource:

Biblical Examples of Hospitality

Other episodes mentioned in this podcast episode: 

Episode 4: Are You Observing the Warning Signs?

Episode 5: Clutter 101

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