5 Summer Organizing Projects You Can Complete in Under an Hour

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and it's time to make the most of the long, lazy days ahead. If you're anything like us, you might find yourself wanting to tackle some organizing projects during this time of year.

But who wants to spend hours upon hours decluttering and reorganizing when there's so much fun to be had outside? Fear not! We've got you covered with our top 5 summer organizing projects that can be done in under an hour:

  • Refresh Your Entryway (15 minutes). Your entryway is the first thing you and your guests see when you walk through the door, so why not make it an inviting space? Take just 15 minutes to declutter the area. Clear out any shoes, jackets, or bags that don't belong there. Give the floor a quick sweep and wipe down any surfaces. Consider adding a new doormat or a fresh bouquet of flowers to brighten up the space. Trust us, coming home to a clutter-free entryway will give you an instant sense of calm.

  • Tackle the Junk Drawer (20 minutes). We all have that one drawer in our home that seems to collect all sorts of random odds and ends. It's time to conquer it! Set a timer for 20 minutes and dive into the madness. Sort through the contents, throwing away any trash and grouping similar items together. Invest in some drawer dividers or small organizers to keep things tidy. You'll be amazed at how much more functional and less frustrating that drawer becomes with just a little bit of attention.

  • Streamline Your Closet (30 minutes). Who wants to spend precious summer hours sifting through clothes? Not us! Set aside 30 minutes to declutter your closet and create a streamlined summer wardrobe. Start by pulling out any items that haven't seen the light of day in months. If it doesn't fit or you haven't worn it in ages, it's time to say goodbye. Donate or sell those items and make space for new summer staples. Take this opportunity to reorganize your remaining clothes by color or category, making it easier to find what you need when you're in a rush.

  • Organize Your Digital Photos (45 minutes). While summer is all about making memories, it's also a great time to organize and preserve those memories. Dedicate 45 minutes to organizing your digital photos. Create folders or albums on your computer or cloud storage to categorize your pictures by event or date. Delete any duplicates or blurry shots. Don't forget to back up your photos on an external hard drive or cloud service for extra peace of mind. Now you can easily find and relive those precious moments whenever you want.

  • Create a Backyard Storage Solution (1 hour). If you're fortunate enough to have a backyard or outdoor space, now is the perfect time to create a storage solution to keep all your outdoor essentials organized. Spend an hour gathering up all the gardening tools, cushions, and outdoor toys that have been strewn around. Invest in a weather-resistant storage bin or create a dedicated area in your garage or shed to keep everything neatly stored away. You'll be able to enjoy your outdoor oasis without the hassle of searching for misplaced items.

And there you have it – the top 5 summer organizing projects that can be completed in under an hour! With just a little bit of time and effort, you can transform your living space into a more organized and stress-free environment, leaving you with plenty of time to soak up the sun and enjoy all the joys of summer.


Learning to Let Go


Decluttering, Organizing, & Cleaning: What's the Difference?